
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wire services in journalism

Wire services which are also known as News Agencies, at first seems confusing. That is why, how wire services means News agencies?

Tradition may be the reason that news services/agencies are still called wire services, which is a term that clearly derives from their earlier use of telegraph lines. So we must be clear that wire services are known as news agencies, or press associations or news services.

Wire services are important information support system services for many mass media. Wire service distributes news and pictures for its members for publication in newspapers or magazines or in broadcast news production. Wire services organizations are operated for the collection transmission and distribution of news to many newspapers, periodicals, television, radio, and other many mass media.

Basically wire services play two fold role:-

· Gather information/news

· Distribute news and analysis

Wire services functions like a central nervous system for different news media. They send and receive news, process it and channel it to appropriate outlets.

Wire services serves in different ways. wire services are operated differently. The best known wire services operate as worldwide news reporting services providing general news coverage whereas other wire services provide national or regional news. There are also some wire services which gathers and distribute specialized news services following one specific beat.

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