
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What really advertising is?

It is Mass - Communication Process

Every Piece of advertising guarantees satisfaction of human wants and wants stem form needs and desires. Advertisers - manufactures and dealers- use this mass media to communicate the message to the target audience.

Advertising is first and foremost process of communication. The process of getting an idea from one person to another is complex but communication process in advertising can simply be seen as a circular route between the source and the audience. The advertiser that generates the ideas is the source of the communication. The idea to be communicated is the message, and the source encodes that message, translating it into symbols such as words or images that can be understood by the audience, the person(s) intended to receive the encoded message. The medium carries the encoded message to the audience. Typical media include newspapers, magazine, radio, television, signs, packaging, and direct mails.
The audience plays a vital role in the communication process because when people receive the message, they interpret the meaning, a process called decoding. Once people in the audience have received and decoded the message, they respond in some way, and this feedback lets the source know how the message was interpreted. Anything that interferes with the successful communication is noise. Also competing ads may contribute to noise leading to complaints about clutter, the ever increasing number of ads competing for audience attention. Noise and clutter can distort message, so it’s important to consider how the message moves through every step in the communication process.
When successful marketing communication moves customers along a continuum from the awareness to satisfaction communication process goes in six phases.

Phase 1: Awareness. Make sure audience is aware of your products.

Phase2: Comprehension. Make sure potential customers understand your product feature and benefits.

Phase 3: Acceptance. Prospective customers must decide whether your product can meet their needs.

Phase 4: Preference. Buyers choose a favourite among the product they believe meet their needs. However, just because people prefer a product does not mean they’ll buy it. Ad must offer a compelling reason for people to buy a product.

Phase 5: Ownership. It is a feedback advertisers hope to receive when they communicate with an audience.

Phase 6: Reinforcement. Use advertising to bolster your customer’s sense of satisfaction about the action or purchase. This phase starts a new cycle in the communication process because you are sending another message to your audience and looking for feedback such as more purchases.

It is Informative in Action

Each and every advertisement is a piece of information to the listeners, readers, viewers and onlookers .

It is a Persuasive Act

Persuasion is the power of advertising. Advertising is, by very nature, persuasive.There is a kind of logical process of persuasion known as A-I-D-A formula.That is an advertisement draws the ATTENTION,creates INTREST,converts interest into DESIRE and DESIRE into ACTION.The secret of sucess of each advertisment in its ability to persude.PERSUSION is seen at two levels namely,attitude and actions.

It is a Competitive Act

Each line of activity,there are many manufactures and it is but natural that they want to push their products and services to the maximum extent with profit to them and satisfaction to the consumers.

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