Radio broadcasting is the cheapest and quickest means of mass communications in Nepal. In a mountainous country like Nepal, radio broadcasting has proved to be a very effective medium for disseminating information, educating people and entertaining the masses. Radio Nepal recognizes that its primary obligation is to serve its listeners. It has been providing various programs aimed at creating mass awareness in its attempt to reflect the views of all sections of the society. The people in the hilly areas and many of the remote villages have little or no access to motorable roads nor to any communication and entertainment facilities. Illiteracy being a common feature among the people, little use is made of the newspapers, which have very limited and delayed circulation. Therefore, Radio has been the most suitable means of disseminating information and providing entertainment to masses in Nepal.
Radio Nepal, the main media in a country with a predominantly rural population, came into being in democratic period of 1951 (2007 B.S.). However, apart from its entertainment programmes, Radio Nepal was not allowed in its 50-odd years to develop its network of news gathering staff or even to develop the news and current affairs programmes to the desired extent. This is a pity as in a country that faces formidable topographical challenges, radio is the only medium that can reach the largest number of people.
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