
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The journalist and media shall not carry out the following acts:-

1. Not to undermine national integrity: Not to publish and broadcast any news and opinion that may undermine the sovereignty and integrity of the multiethnic, multilingual and multi religious kingdom of Nepal of Jeopardize the harmonious relations subsisting among the peoples of various castes, tribes or communities or contain act of defamation or contempt of court or be contrary to decent public behavior or morality.

2. Not to adversely affect social structure: Not to publish and broadcast such deformed and provocative materials as may cause adverse impacts on the social structure and be contrary to professional dignity.

3. Not to disclose secret source of News: To quote source in presenting any news for the authenticity and reliability of the news; but protecting such secret source being a duty of the journalist, to keep secret the name and identification of such source, except in cases of permission by the source.

4. Not to use for fulfillment of personal interest: Not to use any information materials, obtained for publication-broadcast of the same, for fulfillment of personal interest.

5. Not to flow information in a discriminatory manner: Not to flow or impart any news and opinion in such a manner as to discriminate on such grounds as of race, sex, religion, region, language and color.

6. Not to flow information in a manner to make victim suffer further pain: Not to publish broadcast any news and opinion through the use of language, picture, figure, and scene as well in such a manner as as to make the victim suffer further pain.

7. Not to publish name, address and identification of a victim: Not to publish broadcast any news, picture and scene in such a manner as a disclose the name, address and identification of a victim with regard to sexual crime or social disregard of any hateful event or context.

8. Not to encourage violence, terrorism and crime: Not to present any news, opinion picture and scene in a manner to encourage disruption, violence, terrorism and crime and to exaggerate such activity.

9. Not to publish and broadcast naked scene and picture in a manner to spread out hatred and provocation: Not to publish any hurt, naked and hatred provoking scene and picture in a manner to spread out nakedness and provocation and not to be contextual.

10. Not to mention name of the person not related with event: In publishing- broadcasting any news related with any event not to present such news in a manner to undermine dignity or defame character of a relative or intimate person not related with the event, by attaching the name of such relative or person to such event.

11. Not to publish unfactual News: Not to distort the fact, confuse for undue benefit and publish a fact less remark as news.

12. Not to present advertisement as news: Neither to present and advertisement as news nor to refute news by way of advertisement and a communication media shall not generally refute any news published and broadcast in another media.

13. Not to use without quoting source: In using any news materials communicated by any news agency or media, not to publish or broadcast the same without quoting such original source.

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