No separate policy has been framed for advertising till 2001, the earlier policies for advertising were acquainted with government media and lack professionalism, and it also ignored private organization. A separate advertising policy appeared in 2001. Under the Long-term Policy of Information and Communication-2001, the government introduced Long-term Policy for Advertising. This is first nation wide advertising policy introduced by the HMG. The Long-term Policy for Advertising is divided into two sections. The first part deals with the aim and objective and second deals with policy and programs. Their policy and programs have 28 points. (See. Long term advertising policy)
Long-term Policy of Information and Communication-2001
Long-term Policy for Advertising- 2001
1. Objectives
1.1 Advertisement sector should be developed as an industry. In future, it can
give a contribution to national development.
1.2 Free and fair communication system should develop by the help of
systematic advertisement promotion.
1.3 Nepali proper language, words and cultural norms should be used on
2. Policy/ Strategy
2.1 A fair advertising policy should be developed that coordinates Advertisers,
Advertising Agencies, media houses and audiences which confirmed their
eights and duties.
2.2 A code of conduct should be developed on the basis of constitution which
would maintain and preserve the society’s norms, values, customs, etc.
2.3 Different professional institutions like advertising agencies, media houses
and audiences groups etc.
2.4 An environment should be created that the advertisement sector should be
developed like an industry. Ultimately this sector would be given priority by
the state.
2.5 An environment will be created that that the media houses would become
more professional and that will also help professional advertisement
2.6 For foreign investment at least 20 % share should be given to Nepali
2.7 A censor board should be developing to maintain norms and development of
Nepali Advertisement market.
2.8 A proper institution will be developed to proper registration of Advertising
agencies in
2.9 An effective Advertisement curriculum will be in the University for future
manpower development.
2.10 More preference should be given ti domestic labour, skill and available
technology to prepare ad copies. Foreign ads shall be charged extra.
2.11 The language should be simple Nepali, in tone and expression.
2.12 On the basis of objectives, nature and impression the ads have been
divided on two categories:
a. Professional Advertisement: Particularly for sales promotion;
like launching of new products, filming, tendering, notices etc.
b. Social Advertisement: Bases on social welfare such as agriculture,
health, education, greetings etc.
2.13 A policy should to manage the trademark and copyright.
2.14 To encourage the Internet we advertisement.
2.15 To discourage the unhealthy ad that has direct relation with health.
2.16 Advertising industries have direct relation with media houses; so that they
should have proper coordination for their development.
2.17 Based on investment, employment, annual transaction, infrastructure
development, the ad industries are divided in four categories.
2.18 To discourage the dubbing ad system.
2.19 To encourage the professional ad copy preparation on different sectors.
2.20 The outdoor advertisement should be located in systematic way.
2.21 The ad should be provided on the basis of Press Council’s category system
2.22 To encourage the private media houses by providing government
2.23 To encourage the other medias like quarterly, bi-monthly, monthly, trimonthly
and other social publications by providing government ad.
2.24 To manage all govt. ads pass through the Department of Information to
different medias.
2.25 Any foreign company’s product opens a distribution section in
those products should be managed to broadcast in the local media.
2.26 Based on the geographic location, local medias should also be provided
with advertisement.
2.27 Media houses can use only 40 per cent space on both the print and
broadcast advertisement.
2.28 Any trading and industrial sectors can separate 5 per cent advertisement
budget on their net profit.
According to Nepal Television Business Directives-2061 (amended) the
policy of Nepal TV is given below.
A. Production of advertisement and broadcasting policy
1. All the advertisement to be broadcast via Nepal Television is required to be
factual and purposeful.
2. All the materials to be broadcast from the audio-visual media like television
are required to be standard, “pure” and healthy entertaining.
3. The materials of ad are required to be technically sound.
4. The language of ads should be either Nepali or English.
5. The ads of alcohol and tobacco shall be broadcast in certain period if the
government permits such ads.
6. Scenes showing smoking and drinking liquor shall now be broadcast.
7. The ads once approved for broadcast will not be stopped or changed
generally but the broadcast of such ads can be stopped or changed if they are
technically unsound or are required to be stopped due to special reasons. If
the ads once approved for broadcast are stopped or changed, such a decision
shall be informed to ad agencies or advertisers within 24 hours except public
8. Broadcasting of ads in contravention of the Clause 14 and 15 of the National
Broadcasting Act 1992 shall be prohibited.
B. The following ads shall not be broadcast
1. Advertisement of narcotic drugs.
2. Those ads imparting the message that shows one produce better than another.
3. Ads showing controversy of political parties.
4. Ads of the matters that give false and confusing price or guarantee, and that
adversely affect the welfare of the people.
5. Ads of bumper prizes of the institutions other than the ones recognized by
the government.
6. Ads containing materials that are likely to accuse other persons and are likely
to trigger controversies among persons.
7. Astrological ads other than the ones giving simple information about
8. Ads affecting the society, promoting superstition and magic, etc.
9. Ads that is likely to undermine and cause hatred to religions, races, culture
and civilization.
10. Ads abetting individuals to commit crimes.
11. Medicinal drugs produced without the permission of concerned authority and
claiming to cure any ailment or symptoms affecting the people.
All the advertisement to be broadcast via Nepal Television is required to be factual
and purposeful.
According to the above policy the NTV is guided relating to commercial
broadcasting. However, there is no separate policy relating to children. This very
policy of NTV guides them for children and other aspects.
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